Monday, April 7, 2008

1 hour... 500 Qs(:

1.What time is it? 12:23am


2.Do you want to answer these? idk

3.Name? kelsey
4.Name spelled backwards? yeslek
5.What is your quest? to make bunjee jumping into a pool of jello possible
6.Nickname? too many
7.Age? 13
8.Hometown? here
9.What were you born in? a hospital?
10.Where do you live now? my home
11.What state? cali
12.Ever going to move? probably. dont want to tho
13.Would you rather live somewhere else? nahh
14.Birthdate? july 7
15.When do you blow out your candles? on my bday
16.Day you were born? july 7. i think it was like thursday
17.Zodiac sign? cancer... crab(:
18.Do you know what that is? uh...
19.Sex? female
20.Height? 5'2 1/2(:
21.Weight? idk
22.Eye color? brown
23.Hair color? brown
24.Any siblings? 2
25.Names and ages? jordan, almost 18. tyler, 16
26.Do you get along with them? sometimes
27.Any pets? 2
28.Names? cat, eloise. dog, tanner
29.Parents? both?
30.Names? michele, greg
31.Do you get along with them? ... ya
32.Married or divorced? married
33.How long? 20 years
34.Website? myspace?
35.Email? i use yahoo
36.AOL s/n? none
37.Yahoo s/n?......
40.How many people are on your buddy list? .......
41.Phone number? ask mee
42.Personality? good? haha


43. Do you want to answer these? i dont care...
44.What school do you go to? rsm
45.What year are you? 8th grade
46.What are you? uh...
47.Hardest class? math:/
48.Easiest class? pe(:
49.Most fun class?pe(:
50.What day did school start? sept. 5?
51.Do you have classes with friends? yess
52.Do you have friends? psh no. how lame
53.Do you go to school events? sometimes
54.What was the last event you went to? iiddkk
55.Do you have school spirit? haha sure
56.Do you go to dances? yesss
57.Stag or with someone? someone


58. Do you want to answer these? wow.
59.Have a significant other? i hate when ppl say that
60.What is their name? i dont
61.How old are they?.......
62.How long have you been going out?.........
63.Have you been faithful?........
64.Do you have a crush? ehh(:
66.Do they know you like them? sure
67.You ever going to tell them? sure(:
68.Do you have an online crush? haha

In the Past 24 Hours Have You?

70. Do you wonder why I’m asking these questions? yess

71.Had a serious talk? nope
72. Hugged someone? yup
73.Fought with a friend? nope
75.Laughed? duhh
76.Made someone laugh? yup
77.Bought something?nope
78.Cut your hair?haha yes(:
79.Felt stupid? every day(:
80.Talked to someone you love? yup
81.Missed someone? yup

Have-you-ever ?

82. You want me to tell you? yes

83.Smoked? nope
84.Stolen something?... haha
85.Done drugs? nope
87.Gotten drunk? nah
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos? noo
89.Been dumped? ......
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you? sure
91.Hiked up a mountain? haha yes.. not like a HUGE mnt. but w/e
92. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? yes
93.Been in love? nope
94.Seen the White House? on tv
95.Seen the Eiffel Tower? on tv
96.Try smoking? nope
97.Played monopoly? only like 12740 times
98.Seen Titanic? yess
99.Kissed someone? yes
100.Tried a weight loss program? haha no
101.Jumped on a trampoline? duhh
102.Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? how can u NOT have fun
103.Had a bubble bath? when i was like 3
104.Been on a plane? yup
105.Been on a boat?yup
106.Been on a train?yup
107.Been in a car accident? yupp
108.Ridden an elephant? almost! my dad wouldnt let me... i will this summer tho(:
109.Made a web page? yup
110.Played with Barbies? duhhh
111.Stay up all night?of course
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? haha yesterday
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline? pshh no(:
114.Watched Jerry Springer? probably... idk haha
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yesss
116.Been afraid of the dark? once upon a time...
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)? nope
118.Had stitches? needed them! stupid mrs slajer...
119.Dumped someone and regretted it? nope
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time? nopppppe
121.Lied? haha duh
122.Been arrested? nope
123.Fallen asleep in class? nope
124.Gotten in trouble in class? of course
125.Used food for something other than to eat? hahaha
126.Met a celebrity? yes
127.Broken the law? maybe...
128.Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? no
129.Hated yourself? probably... idk
130.Been brokenhearted? sure
131.Broken someone’s heart? idk...
132.Are you a virgin? yes ma'am
133.Done something really stupid? hahaha everyy single day
134.Been arrested? u asked me that
135.Hurt a friend? probably..... :(
136.Broken a bone? nope
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher? uhm ew. no


138. Why do you want to know? curious.

139.Guy name? uh
140.Girl name? lorellai
141.Nationality? idc
142.Color? prupley green w/ a yellow twist
143.Holiday? halloween
144.Day of the week? friday/saturday
145.Restaurant? claim jumper
146.Fastfood restaurant? .........
147.Food? ice cream(: .. haha idk
148.Animal? neon moneys
149.Pet? snake(: or dog. or bird. or cat....
150.Store? too many
151.Mall? idc
152.Clothes brand? idc
153.Soda? coke...
154.Alcohol? nah
155.Instrument? uhm guitar
156.Season? summer or winter
157.Number? 27 and 4
158.Radio station? kiis fm
159.Song? haha tooo many
160.Sport? frisbeeeee
161.Vacation spot? here(:
162.State? cali
163.Country? usa
164.Flower? sun flower
165.Perfume? the one kelsey and i made
166.Thing to do? tricks on ppl(:
167.Actor? milo<3
168.Actress? ... idk
169.Saying? haah idk
170.Car? mini cooper
171.Month? uhm. april(:
172.Cartoon? charlie and lola.. duh
173.T.V.Show? gilmore girls
174.Website? myspace
175.Book? speak
176.Quality about yourself? haha idk
177.Your best friend? kelsey
178.Your best guy friend? y [keoni]
179.Your best girl friend? kelsey
180.Fruit? uh haha i love them all
181.Vegetable? carrots
182.Meat? animal crackers
183.Quote? u ask me that?
184.Saying? u ask me that!?!
185.Type of movie? funny
186.Candy? gummy worms.... sour
187.Language? english? haha
188.Magazine? idk
189.CD? beatles
192.Day of the week? u asked me that
193.Singer? uh
194.Band? beatles


195.Why are you so curious? cuz i feel like it!!!!

196.Like to swim? yup
197.Like to dance? yuuupppp
198.Have a pool? yes
199.Have a car? not exactly MINE...
200.Going to get a car? eventually
201.Your motto? you suck. school sucks. everything sucks when u hav to wake up early(:
202.What do you look for in a friend? funny
203.What do you look for in the opposite sex? funny
204.Time you get up? depends what day
205.Time you go to bed? depends...
206.What color are the sheets on your bed? yellow haha
207.How many pillows? like 5(:
208.Ever skip school? haha psh. nahh
209.Have you ever been convicted of a crime? haha
210.What did you eat for dinner? uhm idk
211.What are you wearing? clothes....
212.What movie makes you cry? uhm idk haha
213.What book makes you cry? none ....?
214.What song makes you cry? nahhh
215.What/Who makes you laugh so hard you cry? kelsey like every dayy
216.What is your favorite possession? hahha i d k
217.What physical, tangible possession do you want most? .....?
218.How badly do you want it?.......?
219.Have you ever seen The Exorcist? yesss
220.How long did it take you to understand why that question is here? i still dont(:
221.Does Christmas music played too far away from Christmas annoy you? yesss!
222.How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older? hah idk.
223.What was the best Halloween costume you ever had? uhm.... my pebbles costume(:
224.What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? iiddkk
225.What holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning? haha i cant think of any
226.There are currently no federal holidays during August-what should be put there? uhm... like... idk
227.How good is your short-term memory? haha good
228.How good is your short-term memory? haha good.. wait a minute
229.(Not very good I see, I repeated that question, did you notice?) yess i did
230.How good is your long-term memory? goood?
231.What is your earliest memory? 1st day of preschool(:
232.What is your happiest memory (other than receiving this survey)? haha good one
233.What is your strangest memory? tooo many
234.What is your worst memory? ............
235.What song, movie, etc. uh
236.What song, movie, etc. what!?!?
237.What size are your feet? like... 7
238.If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? uhm idk
239.Do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going “blind”? know them.
240.Could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member? haha idk
241.Have you ever wished it was more “socially acceptable” for a girl to ask a guy out? it doesnt matter to me. go for it if ya want to(:
242.What’s your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? ........
243.Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? im so confused u dont even know
244.Do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking? haha u tell me
245.Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last? yes? haha (:
246.Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69? hahah i just did
247.Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? nopee
248.Do you actually know your Social Security Number? nopee
249.Do you actually know your IP address? im ..
250.Do you know what an IP address is?confused... no
251.Do you know the four-character extension on your ZIP code? haha
252.Ever think there were too many numbers floating around in our lives? yes
253.Does your head begin to hurt when you think of infinity,imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc.? yes, it does(:
254.What do you think of pi, you know, 3.14152967 etc..? yum. piee
255.Do you have a driver’s license? no
256.Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it? pshh no(:
257.What celebrity’s autograph do you want most? autographs are stupid.
258.Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who? nope
259.If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)? hahahah brittney spears bahahaha jk
260.Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can’t remember who they are? yes!
261.If you could enter any celebrity’s mind like in “Being John Malkovich”, whose would you enter? hmm..... idk(:
262.Do you want to be John Malkovich? no. im good
263.Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? haha no
264.What do you love most about the other gender? like.... idk
265.What do you dislike most about the other gender? like... idk
266.What do you understand least about the other gender? like... idk
267.Mac or PC? mac
268.How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer or is it only as long as it works? that question confused me
269.Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation? no?
270.Do you find you’re different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone? yes.... (:
271.Have you ever bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? nope
272.If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been? iiddkk
273.Would you name a child of yours after you? hmm.. no
274.If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with? kelsey(:
275.What’s the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? they dont.
276.If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)? haha sure
277.Like to give hugs? of course
278.Like to walk in the rain? yes
279.Sleep with or without clothes on? with?
280.Prefer black or blue pens? bluee
281.Dress up on Halloween? duh!!!
282.Sleep on your side, tummy or back? haha
283.Think you’re attractive? u asked that
284.Want to marry? yes
285.Have a goldfish? u mean gold TURTLE? - kelsey(:
286.Ever have the falling dream? uh sure?
287.Have stuffed animals? duh
288.Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? uhm sure
289.Do you think God has a gender? nope
290.Do you think science counteracts religion? uh
291.Do you believe in organized religion? uh
292.Where do you think we go when we die? like... uh... somewhere(: haha
293.How easy is it to make you laugh? pretty easy(: but it can depend...
295.Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn’t? haha sometimes
296.Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn’t? noo
297.What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile? honey roasted peanuts!!!
298.What do you think is the funniest thing you’ve ever said or written? honey roasted peanuts!!
299.Do you ever dance to music when nobody’s watching, when someone’s watching? haha sure(: depends whos watching...
300.What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard? a lot.
301.What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better? haha
302.What song(s) are constantly in your head? beatles
303.What song(s) do you think describe your personality best? iiddk
304.If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use? iiddkk!!!
305.If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used? iiddkK!!!!!!!!!
306.What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to? uhm... like stuff
307.Do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original? yess
308.Who’s your favorite Star Wars character? r2 d2(: haha or yoda
309.What kind of movie do you think there should be more of? funnyy
310.What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of? boring.. (:
311.When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness? taste.. duh
312.What’s your favorite kind of cheese? american??
313.What do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality? im american haha iiddk!?!?
314.If you knew exactly what went into Chinese food,hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it? whats that supposed to mean!?!
315.Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? i dont. cuz i would. so i dont. im a veggie with kendall<3


316.What a unique category, don’t you think? haha that question cracked me up

317.Are you sure you have friends? not completely...
318.Best friend? kelsey(:
319.Second-best friend? .... kendall(:
320.Email the most? i dont email
321.Call the most? i dont usually call
322.IM the most? nonee
323.Best friend of the opposite sex? y(:
324.Best offline friend? uh kelsey(:
325.Best online friend?kendall(:
326.Which friend do you dislike the most? i dont dislike friends...
327.Person you can always confide in? kelsey(:
328.Person that you can talk to for 12 hours straight and never get bored? haha kelsey.. of course
329.In a fight or annoyed? huh
330.Friend’s house you sleep at the most? uhm idk
331.Friend’s house you wish you could sleep at but can’t? haha idk
332.Who is the first number on your speed dial? i dont use speed dial
333.Who would you take away on a week vacation? kelsey(:
334.Craziest? kelsey
335.Weirdest? kelsey
336.Most fun? kelsey
337.Saddest? not kelsey
338.Quietest? DEFINITELY NOT kelsey.. maybe casey(:
339.Who knows you the best? kelsey
340.Who do you know the best? kelsey
341.Who do you like to shop with? kelsey....
342.Talk with? kelsey
343.Trust the most? omg. kelsey
344.Flirt with? haha cassidy... duh
345.Laugh with? kelsey/cassidy
346.Give advice to? kelsey for gk(:
347.Who gives you advice? uhm kelsey? idk
348.Best singer? kelsey
349.Best athlete? uhm... idk
350.Who is the nicest? casey
351.Who is the meanest? haha
352.Best dancer? uhhmm
353.Best writer? casey haha
354.Best smile? idk
355.Most creative? kelsey!
356.Best dressed? iiddkk(:
357.Best shoes? people...?
358.Who doesn’t care if they lie? haha
359.Who can’t lie? no one?
360.Most innocent? i dunno
361.Most innocent looking? casey(:
362.Rebel? kelseyyyy and eemannn and cassidyyy
363.Moodiest? idk
364.Happiest? everyone(:
365.Cutest? haha cassidy<3 hahaha


366. It’s because I’m bored, can’t you figure that out? yes i can.

367.Religious? kinda
368.Try to be fashionable? haha sure
369.Think fashion is important? nope
370.Get along with your family? yup
371.Get along with your friends? yupp
372.Get grounded? not usually....
373.Know any foreign languages? haha not completely
374.Run into walls/doors? bahaha how did u know?!
375.Blonde? is this and 'are you' or a 'who's' question?
376.Who do you talk to most online? kelsey, y, kendall
377.Who do you talk to most on the phone? noppee
378.Are you a bum? bahahaha
379.Do you get online a lot? yess
380.Do you shower? haha yes
381.Do you hate school? pretty much...
382.Do you have a social life? haha ya?
383.Do you trust people easily? not really..
384.Have you ever lied to your best friend(s)? not that i can think of...
385.Are you a dare devil? uhm like duh! (:
386.Would you ever sky dive? only if i was into a pool of jello
387.Do you like to dance? haha ya
388.Are you funny? u tell me
389.Are you a serious person? i can be...
390.Do you make friends easily? haha pretty easy
391.Do you work out? not really
392.Do you like to work out? uhm depends who im with(:
393.How much can you bench press? like 1274127
394.How much can you lift? i can lift kelsey haha
395.Are you a popular person? uhm sure?
396.Do you have plans for your future? yess i do
397.Do you plan to go to college? yess i do
398.Do you play sports? not really
399.Do you like sports? yes... they're fun
400.Do you play an instrument? like 5....
401.Know what you want to be when you get older? yesss
402.Ever been out of state? ive been to 17 states
403.Out of the country? nope
404.Do you like to travel? yes
405.What do YOU think of the way you look? uh haha idk??
406.What do YOU think about your attitude? uhm.....
407.What do you think about life after death? haha idk!
408.What do you think about karma? its real
409.What do you think about love? it can happen
410.What do you think about fate? these are weird questions
411.What do you think about yourself? uhm....
412.What do you tell yourself if times get hard? haha i dont talk to myself...
413.What would you give your life for? uhm like..... uhm
414.What do you think about your first love? .....
415.What do you think about the first person that loved you? idk
416.What are you scared of? murdering clowns
417.Do you cry easily? nope
418.Who/What is something/someone that has touched you? hahahaha
419.What was the saddest moment of your life? last day with gus was pretty sad:*(
420.What would life be without friends? totally and completely boring.
421.Without family? lonely
422.Without you? haha life would SUCK
423.Are you deep? totally deep. (:
424.Do you think love is once in a lifetime, or just chance? chance?
425.Do you like your town? yess
426.Do you wanna get out of your town? nopee
427.What design/logo is on your mouse pad? dont got one
428.What color is your mouse pad? dont have one
429.Drink a lot of water? yess
430.Have a cell phone/beeper/etc.? cell
431.Do you like amusement parks? loveee them
432.Have you ever been to 6 Flags? the one in illinois(:
433.What namebrand do you wear the most? just different things
434.Do you like taking pictures? yesss
435.Do you like getting your picture taken? eh
436.Do you have a tan? haha kinda ish... ya?
437.Do you get annoyed easily? by certain people... ya
438.What are you hobbies? that doesnt make sense
439.Do you have your own phone/phone line? i have my own phone. but home line. i have a cell tho....
440.Do you have any posters/pinups on your bedroom walls? like a billion posters
441.Are you sick of this survey yet? yes(:
442.Do you get good grades in school? haha c's b's and a's
443.How do you vent your anger? haha
444.Are you a role model? sure?
445.Who do you look up to? my brothers almost 6 foot haha
446.Who do you trust the most? friends...
447.Do you have any piercings? yea
448.Do you have any tattoos? never
449.Do you dream a lot? uhm when im sleeping?
450.Do you daydream a lot? nope
451.Have you had a nightmare lately? nope
452.Do you have any allergies? uhm nope
453.Do you have any health problems? nope?
454.Do you like animals? yesss
455.Do you have any pets? u asked me that... and 2
456.Do you like siblings? u asked me that
457.Do you have glasses/contacts? glasses
458.Do you have braces? nope
459.Do you have a job?school....
460.Have you ever been fired from a job? nope
461.Who did YOU want to be President? haha idc
462.Who would you vote for, if anyone, and why? cuz...
463.Do you have a curfew? depends what day....
464.Are you a vegetarian? yessssss i am(:
465.Could you be a vegetarian? since i am.. ya
466.Have you ever thought about suicide? hah no.
467.Do you like coffee? not really
468.Do you have a sweet tooth? ya
469.Do you like horror movies? not really..
470.Do you like to spend or save your money? save.. and then spend(:
471.Do you keep your room clean? hahahah good one
472.Do yours well? huh
473.Do you eat vegetables? ya
474.Are you a flirt? hahaha (:
475.Are you good at flirting? sure
476.Do you like to go to parties? yess
477.Do you still go trick or treating? uhm DUH!
478.Are you an angel or a little devil? haha ya never know...
479.Do you get along with people? yup
480.Have you ever just started dancing/singing in the middle of somewhere? hahahaa probably
481.Have you ever won anything? yep
482.Do you have a waterbed or a regular bed? regular
483.What size? twin?
484.Do you get bored easily? yupyup
485.Do you play golf? noo
486.Do you play miniature golf? noo
487.Do you like tennis? yes(:
488.Are you flexible? u could say that...
489.Are you a sweet heart? haha
490.Would you like to be cloned? uhm.... no!?! what kinda question is that?
491.What are your opinions on cloning? cool... cool....
493.Scaramouche,scaramouche, will you do the fandango? im confused.
494.Did you like this survey? its funnyyyy
495.Are you sorry you began filling it out? haha nahh
496.What questions do you wish it had asked? have you ever felt like sky diving into a pool of jello or riding cross country on a donkey?
497.How would you have answered them? everyyyy dayyy!

498.When was the last time you let the people you love/people who are important to you know you love them/that they are important to you? uhm..
499.What do you want the people who are reading this survey to know? i did this cuz i was bored. not cuz im crazy. not too crazy at least...

500.What time is it? 1:27(: haha
this was soooo fun

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

what im thinkin bout RIGHT now

1. im only doin this cuz kristen did so i wanted to
2. if i can go to disney alll friday
3. when Y is gonna text me back
4. im tired
5. tomoro is valentines day
6. valentines day is a loser holiday(:
7. tomoro is eemans bday
8. tomoro is last day till 4 day weekend
9. the commercial talking about a sale a Kmart
10. crossing cold water****
11. mickey mouse on a pad of paper in front of me
12. what would have happened if walt disney was never alive
13. i need a talk show
14. what am i doing??
15. i remember now(:
16. dont eat fried chicken cuz it has 27 grams of fat
17. INSTEAD eat ur chicken at El Pollo Loco
18. italy n its 12 layer classic pasta
19. im hungry
20. i wonder how long my list will be
21. i have drama 1st tomoro
22. mrs hayman is evil
23. mrs batten is evil but funny
24. grandmas cookies***
25. Grandpas muffins***
26. my computer is really slow sometimes
27. kendra figuring out blockbuster sells movies
28. kelsey
29. y didnt text me back yet
30. im tired
31. im gonna keep doing this till 50
32. i cant think of anything else
33. brittany and her hair cut
34. her with blonde underneath
35. ew.
36. amanda and disney again
37. autumn talkin bout the mall earlier
38. chocolate
39. tannerr my puppyy
40. i want a pig.
41. im picturing myself w/ the pigs my dad promised me if we move to Wisconsin
42. 8 away from 50
43. maybe i should stop early
44. i cant think of anything else
45. im still tired
46. are we there yet?
47. are we there yet?
48. what bout now?
48. i typed 48 again. uh oh
49. the aladdin show at california adv.
50. i wanna go to disney!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

elfed myself

welll heelllloooooooo
ASAP go to and watch the wholleee thing(: espacially amanda and kristen haha i spent forever on this and i kept messing up so watch it and love it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

fire/smarty pants

fire:( in the pics, the house on the rght is mine(: my neighbor took these from her roof... hmmm haha im bored. havnt een on here forever. sooo today is wednesday, as u might have already known. today at school was 'smarty pants' day hahaa spencer J didnt even hav to dress up! ahahahaa if u agree wit me, add a comment to this post(:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


ahaha so this is my cat, eloise. shes awesome and i love her to death. i carry her the thought of her around with me everywhere i go because she gave my scars that will probably never go away. I got her for like, my 10 or 11th bday. she can be very violent sometimes. she beats up my dogs. im serious, she literally will walk up to bothof the dogs and slap them and dig her claws into their bear. oh, and my younger dog, tanner, thinks that means shes playing(: my animals are awesomee.... ya haha thats pretty much it for now(:

Friday, October 12, 2007


this may be kind of a bad picture but this is hector's long lost sister. heres hector's story; I won hector at a fishing game at california adventures and it was love at first sight. i carried him everywhere i went. We went on indiana jones, and pooh bear. Then kristen had to go so Amanda, Hector and I walked her to the front of the Disneyland park. Then we saw an ice cream cart and Amanda went to get a lemonade frozen cup. Next, the very odd parade came. Hector, Amanda, and i watched it together. the amanda and i started walking and i noticed hector wasnt with me... we looked everywhere... all the way from indiana jones, to the front of the park. someone stole him... this was the day i died. I was so mad and sad that we walked all the way back over to where i got hector from, wanting to get one of his brothers; but there was none there! thats where we met his long lost sister, hectorina. Though Hector is not with us, i'm still hoping he's in a better place now, even though he's probably in the mouth of a 2 year old. Please, if you love and miss hector, put ths one your blog too.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

halloween costume

ahaha thats my costume without the hair(: kelsey [bff] gave it to mee... need to find the gloves though... thats all i really had to say. mother says "go to bed and log my computer off" so i shall. good night, chickens fly!