Friday, November 23, 2007

elfed myself

welll heelllloooooooo
ASAP go to and watch the wholleee thing(: espacially amanda and kristen haha i spent forever on this and i kept messing up so watch it and love it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

fire/smarty pants

fire:( in the pics, the house on the rght is mine(: my neighbor took these from her roof... hmmm haha im bored. havnt een on here forever. sooo today is wednesday, as u might have already known. today at school was 'smarty pants' day hahaa spencer J didnt even hav to dress up! ahahahaa if u agree wit me, add a comment to this post(:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


ahaha so this is my cat, eloise. shes awesome and i love her to death. i carry her the thought of her around with me everywhere i go because she gave my scars that will probably never go away. I got her for like, my 10 or 11th bday. she can be very violent sometimes. she beats up my dogs. im serious, she literally will walk up to bothof the dogs and slap them and dig her claws into their bear. oh, and my younger dog, tanner, thinks that means shes playing(: my animals are awesomee.... ya haha thats pretty much it for now(:

Friday, October 12, 2007


this may be kind of a bad picture but this is hector's long lost sister. heres hector's story; I won hector at a fishing game at california adventures and it was love at first sight. i carried him everywhere i went. We went on indiana jones, and pooh bear. Then kristen had to go so Amanda, Hector and I walked her to the front of the Disneyland park. Then we saw an ice cream cart and Amanda went to get a lemonade frozen cup. Next, the very odd parade came. Hector, Amanda, and i watched it together. the amanda and i started walking and i noticed hector wasnt with me... we looked everywhere... all the way from indiana jones, to the front of the park. someone stole him... this was the day i died. I was so mad and sad that we walked all the way back over to where i got hector from, wanting to get one of his brothers; but there was none there! thats where we met his long lost sister, hectorina. Though Hector is not with us, i'm still hoping he's in a better place now, even though he's probably in the mouth of a 2 year old. Please, if you love and miss hector, put ths one your blog too.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

halloween costume

ahaha thats my costume without the hair(: kelsey [bff] gave it to mee... need to find the gloves though... thats all i really had to say. mother says "go to bed and log my computer off" so i shall. good night, chickens fly!

Monday, October 8, 2007


ahaha thats me(: i loveee those ones.... k, so. the top one is me and kelsey at the movies... we got tangled(: then in the middle is me flying [look at that air i got!!!! (photography by kelsey ma. )] and then the last one is one of my alll timeee favoritess!!! i cant even explain it! btw, im bored so thats why im puttin up pictures (:

Sunday, October 7, 2007

first (:

mmk so, this is my first post cuz i only made this account like, 10 minutes ago and i was trying to figure everything out but it wasnt working :p soo 'now what?' you ask? i have noo clue... amanda wanted me to make one so i did cuz thats wut i do [sometimes (: ] i shall now end my B-E-A_UTIFUL post and try to figure the rest of this confusing site out.... byebye chicken pie