Wednesday, February 13, 2008

what im thinkin bout RIGHT now

1. im only doin this cuz kristen did so i wanted to
2. if i can go to disney alll friday
3. when Y is gonna text me back
4. im tired
5. tomoro is valentines day
6. valentines day is a loser holiday(:
7. tomoro is eemans bday
8. tomoro is last day till 4 day weekend
9. the commercial talking about a sale a Kmart
10. crossing cold water****
11. mickey mouse on a pad of paper in front of me
12. what would have happened if walt disney was never alive
13. i need a talk show
14. what am i doing??
15. i remember now(:
16. dont eat fried chicken cuz it has 27 grams of fat
17. INSTEAD eat ur chicken at El Pollo Loco
18. italy n its 12 layer classic pasta
19. im hungry
20. i wonder how long my list will be
21. i have drama 1st tomoro
22. mrs hayman is evil
23. mrs batten is evil but funny
24. grandmas cookies***
25. Grandpas muffins***
26. my computer is really slow sometimes
27. kendra figuring out blockbuster sells movies
28. kelsey
29. y didnt text me back yet
30. im tired
31. im gonna keep doing this till 50
32. i cant think of anything else
33. brittany and her hair cut
34. her with blonde underneath
35. ew.
36. amanda and disney again
37. autumn talkin bout the mall earlier
38. chocolate
39. tannerr my puppyy
40. i want a pig.
41. im picturing myself w/ the pigs my dad promised me if we move to Wisconsin
42. 8 away from 50
43. maybe i should stop early
44. i cant think of anything else
45. im still tired
46. are we there yet?
47. are we there yet?
48. what bout now?
48. i typed 48 again. uh oh
49. the aladdin show at california adv.
50. i wanna go to disney!!!